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Paul Klee: Bauhaus Master
Comprehensive in scope and elegant in design, Paul Klee: Bauhaus Master is a landmark publication resulting from several years of work in collaboration with the Zentrum Paul Klee in Bern, and based on a recent critical publication on Klee's "pedagogical legacy." The book contextualizes a selection of 137 works--including paintings, watercolors and drawings, made between 1899 and 1940--with nearly 100 handwritten notes selected from classes Klee gave at the Bauhaus, alongside an extensive array of archival objects and documents ranging from archival photographs to the artist's herbaria through to his reading, sketchbooks and publications. Demonstrating the unity of Klee's art and pedagogy--the unity of his hand and mind--Bauhaus Master presents an artist thinking with and through his materials and image-making practices, endlessly testing both.